Sidney Prescott
Hi, l'm Sidney.
Steve Orth and Casey Becker were killed last night. It's so sad. There's loads of news reports on television about it. l don't want watch them because they remind me of my mother. And also because they're crap.
lt's that tabloid twit Gale Weathers with all her lies and bullshit theories. But l got her back last night - Bam bitch went down!
Oh my God, l just ran into Billy - literally. And now l'm in the bathroom and l'm sure someone's in here with me. l'm on the floor trying to see feet. You'd think l would just leave, wouldn't you? Eeeeww, the floor's dirty.
I was so wrong about Billy - he lS the killer. And he reckons he's gonna come back to life for one last scare . . . Not in my movie.
Hey, l Survived The Senseless Bloodbath! But l Have To Be ln The Sequel. DOH!